
While the Church has consistently–for millennia–affirmed the gift character of the whole creation, she has often struggled to appreciate the physical body. God made us gloriously physical, and all God’s gifts are good. I’ve done theological work in this area for many years, but little of what I’ve done has ever been presented for public consumption except for the parts that directly bear on functioning supernaturalism. It’s time to change that.

My work as a martial arts instructor and bodyworker colors most of my theological writing, but I’ve also begun to write more direct theological reflections in those areas. An Unexpected Sacrament: Autobiography, Catechism, and a Few Recipes was written to my non-Christian friends, to explain how I approach what I do as a Christian. For my Christian friends, I wrote Strong Magic Takes Blood.

If you want to get a better sense of what I (and mine) are up to in practice, pop over to Not One Square Inch and take a look. If you just need to start taking better care of yourself, have a look at the Mobility page.

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