Seven Laws of (Magical) Reality

One of the major projects before us as a church in the 21st-century WEIRD (Western, Educated, Individualistic, Rich, Democratic) world is repenting of our concessions to modernism, and returning to the worldview of the Bible. I know you’re thinking “We’ve been on top of this Christian worldview thing since Francis Schaeffer,” but no, we haven’t. Schaeffer made a great start. Ministries like Summit have done wonders for us. But we have a long way to go yet to recover a truly biblical grasp of the world and our place in it. I have something that will help: a “sort-of-manifesto” for Bnonn and Smokey Tennant’s podcast True Magic, laying out their founding principles, which (spoiler alert) are as follows:

  1. Physical things participate in spiritual patterns.
  2. Physical things therefore have meaning.
  3. We participate in the same spiritual patterns at different levels.
  4. There is an order of being that flows down from God.
  5. Heaven and earth participate together in Man.
  6. Therefore, Man must live liturgically.
  7. To live liturgically, we must study both Man and Scripture.

I’ll let you read their elaboration on each of the principles for yourself. Suffice to say, this is the kind of thinking we need to be doing more of.

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